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Bat mitzvah

What is a Bat Mitzvah?

A Bat Mitzvah is the moment when a Jewish girl becomes a woman. In a sense it is an almost literal transition from being a caterpillar to becoming a glorious butterfly. It is cause for great celebration and immense gratitude to Hashem.

The Sydenham Bat Mitzvah Programme is dynamic and thorough. Run by Ingrid Seeff and Rebbetzin Estee Stern, in partnership with the United Hebrew Schools, it invites the participants to explore topics such as Relationships, Belief in Hashem, Mitzvot, Tzniut and the power of Jewish Women.

Once a week the Bnot Mitzvah attend classes on the various topics and enjoy related activities. From Challah Baking to Candle making, the beauty of being a Jewish Woman is depicted in so many ways so that our girls graduate from the programme with a deep understanding and positive outlook on what a privilege it is to be a Jewish Woman.

The Bat Mitzvah ceremony is without doubt the most spectacular ceremony. The girls describe their learnings in a meaningful and powerful address, accompanied but the magical melodies of the Sydenham Shul choir.

As each thread in the journey of becoming a Jewish woman is weaved, so too, the steps the girls take become leaps and they emerge from the programme enriched, inspired and committed to their learning and growth.

If you'd like to be a part of this incredible journey, join the Bat Mitzvah group now by calling 011 640 5021.

Wed, 23 October 2024 21 Tishrei 5785